• Selected Publications

The list below does not include all publications and may be outdated. Please see my Google scholar page for a full list including recent work.
  • LassoNet: A Neural Network with Feature Sparsity [pdf] [JMLR copy]
    Ismael Lemhadri, Feng Ruan, Louis Abraham, Robert Tibshirani
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021

    RbX: Region-based Explanations of Prediction Models [pdf]
    Ismael Lemhadri, Harrison H. Li, Trevor Hastie

    Neural Networks with Feature Sparsity [pdf]
    Ismael Lemhadri, Feng Ruan, Robert Tibshirani
    AISTATS 2021

    Price Impact in a Latent Order Book [pdf][MML copy]
    Ismael Lemhadri
    Market Microstructure and Liquidity, 2020

    Exact recovery in the stochastic block model with the relaxed K-means [pdf]
    Ismael Lemhadri, Youssouf Emin

    Deep Learning based Endoscopy Video Classification [pdf]
    Oussama Fadil, Ismael Lemhadri, Crystal Zheng

    • PhD Thesis [pdf]